Yetunde Chapter 2!❤️

Chapter 2. 

The plane had landed with a jolt. The Igbos had started attacking their base. The hangar had been severely disrupted. “Down!” a voice shouted and everybody ducked. A bullet had been fired at the plane they were currently occupying. The glasses were all broken. It was clear. They were under attack.

“Anyi ga-egbu ndi a dika anumanu” said a very thick voice. What they were saying? Nobody understood. But what was on their minds? It was evident in the speed of their bullets. 

“Cock your guns” Dayo shouted. He was the head of the war and intended to act like so. The guns were cocked. Locked and loaded. The war had begun. 

“Any plans on how we’re going to win this? We’re surrounded you know?” a young buff man asked Dayo. 

“Divide yourselves into 5 groups. Groups of 10. Group A and B take defense. Double bulletproof shields. Stat. Group C and D, Take offence. Kill any soldier that you do not recognize. And group E? Guard the plane. Our war supplies are on it. Without them, we’ll be defenseless.” 




She had woken up with the worst headache ever. A hangover? It was terrible but nothing could help her when images of the previous day rushed through her mind. He had left with no words of affirmation, no affection, just the normal constant apologies! He had left! He did not even apologize. 

He left her, when she needed him the most, left her in a puddle of hate, worry and sadness. 

A dangerous combination for a lonely woman. 

What to do from here? Where do we go from here?  Her stomach churned. She hadn’t eaten since he left. Heck, she had only drunk alcohol while he was around. But of course, he didn’t notice that too.  Eaten? The appetite was nowhere to be found. With her nagging mind constantly reminding her of her ulcer, she rose. 

To be strong was hard but to put on a strong face was easy. And that was what she was going to do.  

The next day she set out doing her normal daily activities, her heart was broken but she had decided to put a strong face on. 

She woke up, dusted the windows, cleaned the floor ad started cooking. The food would waste, a voice at the back of her mind told her. But she ignored it. Admittedly, she shed a tear or two while at it. But she was alone right? Alone in this big house, there was nobody to pretend for. Midafternoon she heard knocks on her door. She was clothed in a silky nightgown from the night before. She hadn’t bothered to change, she didn’t feel like it. Deciding that she would send the person at the door back, she went to check the person constantly banging the door.  

As she opened the door, she saw Dayo’s best friend Mohammed. Mohammed had been Dayo’s best friend before they even started dating. He came around regularly to check on them but he was aware Dayo would be going for war, why was he here? 

Normally, she would have told him Dayo wasn’t around and to come back later, but she needed company. It had been days since she saw somebody not to talk of conversing with them. Felt like decades. So she invited him in. 

“Hello Mohammed…”

“Oh please call me Moh beautiful” he cut her off. He was always insisting on her calling him Moh ad always calling her these pet names. She was supposed to be used to it by now but truth was anytime he called her pet names, she could feel a gag rising in her throat. She didn’t hate the man though, she liked him. She liked to have polite arguments with Mohammed but his side comments about her every time? She despised that. 

“Well, hello Moh. Dayo isn’t at home right now, do you want me to deliver a message for you?” That had been a subtle invitation. Knowing Mohammed, if she had invited him inside like a normal person, he would mistake her words and think she wanted to be in bed with him. 

“Oh. I very well know that Dayo is out of town, I just came to see how you’re faring Yeye” He said with a handsome smile. That smile could have fooled anybody but Yetunde was not buying it. At the same time, misery loves company so there she was, inviting a man she couldn’t trust as far as she could throw him into their house.  He had always called her Yeye. He came to visit them once and he started calling her Yeye. 

She left the entrance of the door for him to come in and said a Thank you to God that she cleaned the house that day. It wouldn’t say good about her if he came in and her house was in a mess.

“What should I offer you? Do you want anything?” She asked. 

“Just for you to sit down and have a chat with me if it’s not too much to ask for.” 

She smiled. It was nice to hear another voice in the house apart from hers. She sat on the single plush couch and smiled at him. 

“How have you been? Have you been watching the news? I heard Kolawole’s death was planned. Good for the bastard or what do you think?”

They engaged in conversation. It was a good conversation, facts with comedy and a little mystery. Just how Yetunde liked it. Of course he tried to flirt with her in between laughs. 

Throwing in little comments like 

“You’re beautiful when you laugh” 

“I’m happy I’m the reason you’re smiling” and so on. But would it be Moh without flirting? 

It was beginning to get dark when Moh announced he had to be on his way. She was grateful to him and for him. She had felt like she was running mad replaying the events of the day Dayo left over and over again in her mind. But here Moh had come and made her laugh to her heart’s content. She was very grateful and for the first time, she was sad he had to leave. 

At first, she had whined and sighed. “Already?” she replied pouting. Truth was that, she just wanted company. Someone to talk to her about everything and anything, to laugh with her and make her laugh. Something Dayo never was. 

“Yes princess, I have a dinner slash meeting this evening. Some clients want my company to be in charge of the building of their house. I’ll come see you anytime I’m free though. Anytime. Hope that’s fine?”

“Ha! Moh, you know Dayo’s house is always your house. Stop by anytime.”

With a nod and a smile he left. The last smile he gave her was not genuine though, she had noticed but pointing it out seemed unnecessary. She sighed and closed the door. Collapsing next to it, she realized the sad truth. She was alone again. 

She decided to call Dayo. She missed him so much and had been declining his call throughout the past week. She missed her husband. She picked the phone up and started to dial his number. Her hands were shaking. What if he didn’t want to talk to her? What if he was annoyed and wanted her to get out? What if? 

“I’m so happy you finally called me.”

With one sentence, her worries faded. Ha! Faded. They travelled to the back of her mind. She was sure they would bug her later. 

“How are you?”

“The war is getting intense. 2 days ago, our weapons central was burnt down. We’re receiving new weapons tomorrow morning.”

“This war sounds more intense than the other ones. Just make sure you’re okay.”

“I will Yetunde, at least for you. I will. How are you?”


“Eerr… I’ll call you back YETUNDE. Aim fire! Fire at their base. Take the wounded to the back of the camp. Aim fire!” and with those words, he hung up. She had hoped to talk to him about everything. How she was feeling, how Moh came by today, everything but he was as usual too busy. 

A silent tear rolled down her cheek. Was this the life she wanted to live?






Unknown said…
First to comment as usual, Bad guy!
Aisha said…
You sef you be bad guy abeg! 🥺❤️

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