Yetunde Chapter 4!🤩❤️

Chapter 4.

Vivid dreams or memories? Yetunde preferred the latter where she could pretend that in those dreams, she was laughing with Dayo and getting kisses on the counter. But whenever she woke up, she came back to reality. Her husband had been gone for about a month now and to say she missed him would be an understatement. Mohammed constantly calling her wasn’t helping either. She’d gotten fed up of the boring conversations he tried to keep and frankly, his Good morning and Goodnight texts. The other day, he called her by 3am! Who calls a married woman by 3am? Claimed he was bothered about her but when the call was about to end, he said he needed to hear her voice. And to hell with his side comments he could never utter with his whole mouth! Yetunde already got sick of them. 

“You know, you’re basically not married.”

To that, she’d responded with “The ring speaks for itself. Mohammed, I don’t have time for this conversation.”

“I think you’d look very good in those red satin dresses. You probably don’t wear them because your husband can’t afford them, but I can buy some for you if you would let me?”

To that, she’d replied “My husband can get me everything I need. I’ll have to decline your offer.”

And Lord knows she was trying to be nice to him. The nicest she could be. He was her husband’s best friend after all. But these over the phone conversations were beginning to annoy her. The day she didn’t take the call, he’d proceeded to tell her he got across to Dayo and wanted to link her number so she could talk to him. She had felt very terrible and made a secret promise to herself always to take his calls. They were pestering, but she could tolerate it all for him. 

For the chance to hear him say “I’ve missed you Yetunde.”



The sound of her ankle beads always announced Chioma’s presence even before she got to the location. These sounds which used to irritate Dayo, didn’t seem to annoy him anymore. They excited him. The last time she had informed him about the Igbo’s plans to infiltrate their area and steal their weapons. He’d listened to her doubtfully but she was right. A couple of men, inexperienced in the art had tried that evening to steal from them and he’d caught them. This time, as the sounds of her ankle beads jiggled and got louder, he wondered what she’d inform him about and most of all how she got this precious I information she was dishing out to him. 

She’d approached him and once again tried to sit on his lap. Once again, he’d shoved her off. Their relationship was strictly informative. The reason she’d always try to romance him or seduce him was very puzzling. But so was the place she’d gotten all of this information. 

“You don’t look too happy to see me, Chief. Perhaps, I should leave?”

He knew what she was doing. She was playing mind games with him. She always did. But he complied. The sooner she told him the information, the sooner the war would end, the sooner he’d see his beautiful wife. 

“Do you want to talk to me in a private place or here is just fine?” He asked.

 She always wanted to talk at the spot behind the trees. She’d told him she liked it when they were alone and she wanted to see him and him only. When she’d said it, she laced her tongue with a seductive voice. Dayo as usual was unfazed. Yetunde’s voice was nothing less than music to his ears. He was content. 

“You know where we always meet.” She bent down and whispered in his ear. 

She raised her face and walked off. Expecting him to follow behind of course. Dayo was a calculative man, and she knew it. She glanced backwards a few times to make sure he was on her trail, he was. He most certainly was.  She used this time to reminisce on the mission she’d been given. 

“! ga_ aghaara ya ugha na anyi na_eme atumatu mwakpo na mkpoda ikuku nke ugwu Benhda ka elekere 15.00 wee any wakpo ya.”

{You will lie to him that we are planning an attack on the slopes of Mount Bennhda at 15.00 and we will attack him.}

 The commander had basically yelled. She was their secret weapon and she knew it but hell if she didn’t hate been spoken to in their native language. He continued, lamenting about how the Yoruba’s would not have a leader and their side would be weak, and again, he spoke in their native language. She resisted a groan not understanding why he vehemently declined using English. The oyinbos already colonized us. But she’d listened. And nodded her head one too many times too much to the commander. 

To her grandfather. 

“Don’t you have some information to tell me?” Dayo rang out loudly, bringing her back to reality. She looked at her surroundings and realized she’d gotten to the tree.  She turned back and looked at him. He was a beautiful man, chiseled face with less than a smile to give. And when he took his shirt off, the word beautiful took another meaning to suit him. 

He stood there. Watching her. Was she going to speak or she was going to continue looking at him like a dog who’d lost it’s direction? 

“I have important information I think you’d love to hear.”

“Then go ahead.”

“They are planning an attack.”

He walked up to her. Their faces barely two meters apart and looked into her eyes. This, with no doubt, made her hot. Damn she already found the man attractive, this close , he brought a certain type of desire from within her. 

“How do you have this information Chioma?” He asked. His eyes boring into hers, waiting for any indication that she was lying. His deep voice had become scary. He was dangerous this way but hell if she didn’t love the danger. 

Nevertheless, her guard was down. She was busy admiring his lips, wondering what they could do to her and when “He’s my grandfather” slipped out of her mouth, she didn’t notice. 

Dayo was confused but his face remained straight. Who was her grandfather? Was it the commander? The military officer?  The corporal?  If she had family ties with one of these people, then why was she helping them? Was this a plan? If everything was okay, why was she giving him discrete information? 

Just as soon as she’d realized what she’d said, her senses came back. What? Had she said that to him? What? She decided to cover the matter up as easily as she could. 

“It’s a sour topic. I do not want to talk about it. You can get to know me in other ways.” She said, pushing her breasts to his chest. He stepped back. Her charms were not working for his calculative mind to only be wondering what the hell was going on. He made a mental note to think about this newly revealed information later. For all he knew, Chioma could be an implant. 

“Go ahead with the information you are aware of.”

With a draw in her voice, she replied, “I wanted to let you know that they’re planning an attack by 3. In the next 3 days. Gather your men.’

“Where’s this attack going to happen?” She could hear the doubt in his voice. She couldn’t let him suspect her. Her grandfather was ruthless and would not hesitate to do to her, what was done with her brother. 

“That information I’d only tell you when next you see me.” 

She wanted to give him something else to worry about apart from the fact that someone on the war could be her grandfather. He looked at her. He knew persuasion wouldn’t work. He nodded, muttered a thank you and walked away. 

As he walked always taking long strides, the sudden realization hit. This wasn’t her using him anymore. She’d taken a liking to this man. Oh bloody hell!


Ayokunle said…
Unknown said…
Hehe....Love itttt!
Unknown said…
This is excellent.
Unknown said…
This is amazing, I like the plot of the story. Not the typical romance book. I like the blend of war in it. Nicely done! As always! Bad guy!
Aisha said…
Only the best for the best readers!🥰
Aisha said…
Hehe….Love youu!🥰
Aisha said…
Typical romance books are cliche. I always add a little bit of spice 🥰

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