Yetunde Chapter 5!🥺❤️

Chapter 5.

He’s my grandfather. The words kept ringing in Dayo’s head. Who was her grandfather? Moreover, Chioma had been absent for quite a while like she was avoiding his confrontation. If she was an implant, oh how angry he’d be. But she couldn’t be an implant, she told him the other day about the plan the Igbos had to steal their weapons and the information was actually true. Or was it a plan so he’d undoubtedly trust all information she gave him? Or what the hell was actually going on?

Chioma, on the other side felt stupid. Her grandfather, the commander couldn’t know about what happened or he would have her head for breakfast. Now imagine if he knew she had developed some kind of feelings for this man. She’d end up like her brother! The mere thought of her brother brought tears to her eyes. 

He was the purest soul she had ever met. They’d grown up together, all smiles unaware of the sick world they were born into. At the age 13, she was taught the art of seduction. And her brother? He was taught how to shoot a gun. 

Biko biko ha bụ ndị ntorobịa ugbua. Ha ga -abụ ndị bara uru ma ghara ịdị ka nna ha  ” their grandfather had yelled whilst dragging them away from their parents.

[Oh please, they are teenagers already. They have to be useful and not end up like their father] 

Chioma, unlike her brother learnt and got knowledgeable in the art of seduction. It fascinated her. Her brother Ikenna though? The gentle sweet brother she had, didn’t quite enjoy shooting. 

Due to his dislike for the aiming of guns like his father, their grandfather had deemed useless. He’d call him useless and an embarrassment to the family and often compare him to Chioma. 

To say it came as a surprise that the Commander decided that her brother Ikenna and two other guys would be the ones to act like they wanted to steal weapons from Dayo’s base would be a lie. She had begged, pleaded, cried for her grandfather not to allow it. But he had been known as a sick man with no regard for lives lost. Even his very own grandchild.

Ikenna on the other hand was oblivious. He saw it as a chance to finally show the commander he could be useful.

”Can’t you see this is a trap IK?” Chioma had yelled when he was gearing up that day. 

“It isn’t. I’ll be back by midnight. Love you twin sister.”

Those words were the last words he said to her. 

The words she’d always remember. 

The words which made her life not for her alone, but for her and IK.

 But she’d be damned if she ended up like him.

The feelings and emotions she felt towards Dayo had to go. 

And they had to go as fast as possible.




Cleaning was her go to activity. She’d feel stressed, miss her husband, feel confused and she’d just clean.  It was no wonder Moh always said the house looked new. She’d even do redundant cleaning at times! But today’s cleaning was different. Though it, her heart melted. 

Yetunde found the note. 

She had finished cleaning the house but still had some uneasiness in her stomach. She moved around their room, she and her husband’s, the room that had felt empty for quite a while and put some music on. It was slow as she moved round, her steps slowly tapping the wooden floors, looking like she was going where the wind would take her. She had a rag in her hands. Cleaning the appliances. 

The lamp, Dayo always complained was too bright but would compliment that it gave a shine to her curves when they were into it. She cleaned it and smiled at the memories of him teasing her about how hideous the lamp was, but it served a purpose to enrich his eyes. And how she would laugh. 

She moved on to clean the clock. She remembered when Dayo told her the clock represented that their time would last forever. He had brought it home, that day grinning from ear to ear because he knew she loved vintage pieces. She had seen it elated and asked why? He then proceeded to kiss her forehead and said to her

“To show our love would only last in both this lifetime and the next and the next, till we have no more lifetimes to live.”

As she draped the rag round the face of the clock, hoping in the next lifetime, Dayo wasn’t a goddamn soldier, a note slipped. 

The song had changed. It was slower. Yetunde bent  to pick the note up and recognized Dayo’s messy handwriting. 

To my lovely wife, 

To the woman I’d spend lifetimes with, 

This whole situation we find ourselves in is messing with my mind. And please don’t ever believe I don’t love you. It has been said that love doesn’t last long in a marriage. But I wake up every day and I love you even more. It’s hard to explain the bliss I feel, waking up every day to see such a beautiful woman, laying next to me. Being able to call her my wife. I love you Yetunde. Always have, always will.

I want to see you smile. I want to see you happy. You said our marriage is crumbling but my love, our marriage will never crumble At least, when I’m alive. Did it skip your mind that we have lifetimes to spend together love? You also said I was letting you go for a country that doesn’t care for my life but I’d risk my life to be the better you deserve. You deserve to be loved, by me though. Nobody else. Your beautiful body deserves to be draped in gold, your head beholding a crown. 

I love you Yetunde and I have loved you since the day you smiled at me. Stupidly in love with you. How can’t you see that?

                                                                                                        The man that will always have a crush on you,      


Tears were rolling down her eyes. Yetunde cried, laughed, smiled and then began to shout “I love you too!” She was sure her neighbor would think she was running mad but yes! She was mad over him. She needed to talk to him. To let him know she saw the note. To hear his voice. To let him know she loved him too. Always have and always will. 

She called the number he always used to call her. It wasn’t even going through. She could have sworn she called the number 20 times that day. Then she proceeded to call Moh, all his connections had to be useful to her! She needed him now. 

Moh picked her call up at the first ring.

“Hi Yeye, I miss you already. How are you?”

She found it barbaric that on every phone call he’d state that he missed her even if she really didn’t care for that conversation. She wasn’t calling him for chitchat this time. She wanted to reach her husband.

“Hi Moh, is there a way I can get through to Dayo?”

“What’s up? Do you need to speak to him urgently? Is it something I can help with?”

“No!” She had nearly screamed. 

“I apologize for raising my voice. It’s not something you can help with, I’m sorry. I need to speak to my husband.” She continued, hoping he didn’t take the loud no in an offensive manner.

“Alright. I’ll ask around and be over in about 30 minutes. Get ready.” 

With that, he hung up.

Did he need to come over? Couldn’t he connect her phone or something? She knew she couldn’t tolerate any of Moh’s flirting today. With the thought  hearing her husband’s voice over the phone, these thoughts quickly escaped her mind. 

She finished her cleaning and got dressed in modest clothes, tapping her feet waiting for Moh to arrive. 

30 minutes later, he arrived with drinks in his hand. She was puzzled on what the drinks were for but couldn’t wait to talk to her husband.

“The people said there is no connection at Dayo’s end right now and talking to him would be impossible” he lied. Moh hadn’t even asked if he could get through to Dayo. 

She sat, deflated and sad. She had hoped to speak to him today and it was sad that she didn’t get the chance to do such. 

Then she looked over at Moh, if he couldn’t get through to Dayo, why was he here?

As if reading her mind, he raised the drinks up.

“I knew that’ll make you sad. So i brought some drinks to lighten the mood.”

Yetunde didn’t drink but she was sad, very sad and her mind wondered.

One drink wouldn’t hurt. 

Probably one of the worst mistakes she had made.



Unknown said…
In case you have not figured it out yet, I am your number one fan. And as always I leave you with a Bad guy!
Princess said…
Been waiting for this chapter 😊
Love the suspense
I need to learn some Edo language from you ooo
Can't wait for chapter 6 🥰🥰
Unknown said…
Keep up the good work dear❤️
Cult☦ said…
You dont interpret all the yoruba....why now
Unknown said…
Part 6...💀💀

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