Tired Girl Enterprises.

You’re not young 

Your soul belongs to the older generation 

You can feel it in your bones and you can feel it in your anger rising at any slight form of disrespect.

You can feel it in the curling of your toes as Jide raises his voice at you.

But you? 

You do not judge. 

You do not sit on a chair, analyzing the lives of everyone you know and judge their lives.

You do not waste your time trying to make excuses for pathetic behaviors and you most certainly do not speak ill of those who’ve done you no wrong. 

You, instead have no strength for all of that

Your soul is tired.

Probably from its time on this earth 

Probably from its experiences in this planet 

or maybe from the continuous aching it feels? 

You feel…No you know 

You’ve been on this earth for 7 million years


Nothing less but maybe more. 

Each year for a sin you committed that you have no idea of presently 

A sin you’re paying for. 

So, this time,

You’re trying your best 

You can’t afford to commit a sin 

You can’t afford to live for one more year. 

To be reborn and have to survive the dirty game that is life,

So you didn’t stab him when he raped you 

You refused to resist, telling yourself it was your fate and you couldn’t fight fate. 

And when he slapped you when you were 6 in the rose garden,

You turned your other cheek

Watching as you saw violets and rose turn the color of your skin 

Because he beat you blue-black 

And made your cheeks so red blush couldn’t stand a chance. 

Now, you roam around everyday 

Wondering when… just when 

Life says you’ve had enough

When your soul will be taken. 

When… just when 

You finally get some much needed peace. 

For now though,

You nurture your old soul and proud fully take your crown as the owner of Tired girl enterprises. 

Dear Reader, 

It’s been quite a while. Miss me? How are you? Genuinely, how are you? Are you tired? weak? like our main character? Or are you energized? Positive and ready for the day? This is a short piece to break the ice on this blog and to remind you that yes, we’re still taking a look at the world through my very own eyes!

By the wayyyy, we added a subscribe button on the menu. Please take a look and subscribe and please follow. 

Image from Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials… 

Subtle reminder that yes, the world is still revolving and yes, I still embed little pieces of my truth in these little pieces. 

❤️ & πŸ’‘

-Your favorite inconsistent writer. 


Anonymous said…
Our favorite inconsistent writer😌 lovee this piece!!!
Ayokunle said…
Just as gripping as your first story. Well done

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