Indecisive. 🥺

​Everyday you wake up, asking yourself

‘Is today the day?’ 

Your heart sobs and your mind crumbles. 

‘Well, i guess not’ you whisper to yourself. 

You fold yourself up, cover up with your duvet and go to your only friend. 


The only one that hasn’t left you despise the chaos in your head. 

For your mind is a wandering storm, 

An hurricane of emotions. 

You want to kill him but you want to kiss him. 

You want to choke him with your bare hands and in the same breath, you want to roam your hands all over him.

You want him to beg on his knees for his life but you want him to want you back. 

The indecisiveness hurts. 

You turn to soothe yourself with sleep. 

Where you can dream of your happily ever after either being with the prince or being the villain who killed the king. 

Today, you woke up on the right side of the bed.

 It’s a good day. 

Your toes are tingling and your heart doesn’t feel heavy. 

You feel free. Like a bird. 

You’re not weighed down by the hurt you used to feel and your chest doesn’t hurt. 

Atleast not as much as it used to. 

You look at a picture of Maleficient. 

You’re ready to embody her character today. 

You’re ready to revenge the man who broke your heart and maybe lay a curse or two.

Or something even worse? 

You get dressed and you step out of your house. 

You go to the arcade place he frequents. 

He’s there. 

He’s right there. 

Smiling and laughing with his friends. 

That smile, 

Just that smile weakens you in the knees. 

It all starts again. 

Your heart starts to sob and your mind starts to crumble.

You hear the familiar whisper as you turn your back. 

‘No, not today.’ 

You hear your brain telling you ‘Revenge is not the answer’.

You hear your heart asking you to move on and ease yourself from the pain. 

Most of all, 

You hear your past self sigh.

Her disappointment peaks through the roof. 

You’ve failed her. 

You’ve failed yourself. 

Hi there! 

I introduced something new! #WednesdayShorts! This will just be some short pieces i’ve had sitting in my drafts for a long time coming to life! 

I hope you enjoyed this one but i wonder, have you ever felt what our main character feels at the moment? Were you ever able to move on? 

Or are you stuck? Just like the main character? 

-Your favorite questioning writer. 


Anonymous said…
Pheww,My only friend "sleep"🙂... Wednesday short pieces 🤩🤩lfggg
Anonymous said…
Sleep my only escape, too real brooo
Ayokunle said…
Goosebumps ❤️❤️

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