1 year baby! ❤️❤️

It’s exactly 1:08am over here and I just deleted my third draft of this piece. Time and time again, I’ve tried to compose something. The blog deserves a befitting post for it’s 1 year anniversary doesn’t it? I’ll be honest though, I’ve never experienced a writer’s block as hard as this. It’s easy to write fictional stories and writing about how somebody’s head got blew off doesn’t phase me  but to write about my own emotions and be expressive about them? 

Oh, you shall find me shaking.

Where do I begin?

In popular shows, when artists or actors receive awards, they start with ‘thank yous.’ I guess that’s basically a skeleton for me to follow. 

Who do I thank first though?


To the girl who had a lot in her head and so little a voice,

The girl with different characters playing in her head and different stories to tell,

The girl who had her truth she needed to scream out before it ran her mad, 

I say thank you. 

To the girl that embedded every piece of her truth, 

Slowly and by the smallest bits,

She hid a little bit of her own life story in everything she termed fiction,

I say thank you. 

You’re my biggest supporter y’know?

I’m happy I got to tick this off my bucket list. 

To the blog itself,

I’m eternally grateful. 

The world is fast evolving and everybody’s voices are fast shadowing the others. 

I was part of the shadowed, I must say. 

My voice was fast eloping with every second I spent. 

And one day, I found myself with a ratchet-y  piece of paper I roughly tore from an old textbook and I started writing. I remember my tears soaking the paper because omo, life tuff. Life really tuff.

But hey, I felt relieved. 

With every word I wrote, I felt like I was heard. Like I was not alone.

My opinions mattered and my words were valid. 

My thought process was validated and oh my, the burden that got lifted off my shoulders.

After writing that piece, 

I felt a strange form of comfort, maybe peace?

I remember wondering if that was what peace felt like?

Now, I’m not the kind of person that’s easily understood. My sentences are always misconstrued but that day, between the paper and I. There was no misunderstanding, no questioning but I still felt free.

I’d like to believe that was when I started to write. My first official piece will be posted next though.

Ofcourse, I can’t say all of the story right now. What will I write for Year 2??

So yes, in a typical gen Z manner with all the gestures,

We meuveeee!.

This whole thing wouldn’t have come together without a set of people. 

The person that named the blog, I refuse to mention your name least your head begins to swell. But here are your accolades. 

You gave it a befitting name. 

I’m a tad bit grateful. 

The graphic designer that made the blog’s Logo. See, I don’t even know where to start from with you, You just listened to me, advised me and you actually offered a lot of help. And yes, I also refuse to mention your name. Not because I don’t want you to be big- headed this time, 

But because, I know you’ll reply ‘This is all you. I just helped.’

Renzo! Renzo! Renzo! I must hand you every form of thanks least I come off ungrateful. We met each other, we conversed, you listened to my goals and you said ‘you know what? I’ll make that true for you!’

It’s all still a dream. If I’m asked how I got here, I’m afraid I wont be able to articulate a good paragraph. You helped. I still believe you were just a weapon sent from God just to help me accomplish this dream. With all the midnight calls, the last minute changes, the technical support and technical advice, the disturbance, you didn’t cower from my wahala or decide not to come through for me. 

You helped.

So, dear Renzo,

If you’re seeing this(which you definitely should, or else I’ll break your head), Thank you and like I always say, You’re awesome.

To everything success is attributed to, we have a support system. I must not forget or forsake mine. The support system I have is too solid, I’m shocked by the rigidity. I have family. The first time I sent a link to my blog out, my mum was pissed she wasn’t on my broadcast list. She had troubles following the blog but I must admit, I was shocked. 

‘If I write something smut now, will my matter enter family group chat?’ I thought about that too.

But, its been bliss.

Just a show of continual support. 

Family. Family. Family. Thank you. Thank you. Zo, Kamen my annonymous yet very sweet subscriber, its all love here for you guys.

‘Aisha you’ve not posted a new piece.’

‘Send me the link o, let me help you broadcast it’

‘I read this piece and this is what I thought of it.’

You see you people, Una too do!!!

You guys are awesome. 

Friends, Subscribers, Followers, Readers, 

You taught me that it’s fine to speak out. It’s fine to be heard word by word. You can talk, people are listening, people are reading, people are relating. 

This is your story, tweak it.

Like I said when I started this blog, 

In these writings, I bury my passion, my emotions, my truth, my ambitions and most of all - my soul.’ 1 year later and I stick by these words like glue. 

Thank you for sticking with this constantly inconsitent writer. If you’re not subscribed to this blog, why aren’t you?

You no like better thing?

It’s really all love here.

Love Always,

A proud owner of TMME.

It’s our 1 year anniversary baby!


Lorenzotv said…
🥺🥺🥺 So proud of you aisha ❤️❤️
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Aisha 😘❤️
M said…
Congratulations 🎊
Anonymous said…
Congratulations boo
I'm proud of you..so proud I could kiss you..and I will

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