Inconsistency. 🥲🖤

Sometimes, inconsistency hurts. 

You know you can do better. 

You know you can be more dedicated. 

But the time. The energy, The resources, The motivation. 

Everything dwindles occasionally.

 For someone like me who likes to take life as it comes but holds myself so accountable, even a lawmaker would be confused, I annoy myself. 

Occasionally, I beat myself up, 

What am I doing? 

Are you even serious with your life? 

What exactly do you want from life? 

It’s a hurdle. 

One day, I know what I’m doing and the next day, I find it hard to stand up from the bed. 

I’ve learnt to calm down though. 

Maybe I expect too much out of life. 

Maybe I’m even doing too much. 

Hell, I’m not even 20 yet. 

Am I diving into the sea of pressure, way too early? 

Or am I allowing all of my talent waste because of my inability to get things done? 

Everytime I come on here and say ‘Your favorite inconsistent writer.’

 I do not say it out of pride. The opposite actually. 

But I think we should all just remember to breathe. 

Outside of the internet, there’s an entire world. 

I’m just a young girl trying to navigate.

 But I shall apologize again. 

And a billion times if that’s what it would take. 

But hi, it’s me again. 

Your favorite inconsistent writer. 

Today, I don’t have a poem or a piece to bring you. 

Heavens knows I have like a million drafts I’ve not sorted out 

But I have something! 

Just me writing out what’s on my mind. 

A raw unedited piece. 

Kindly scroll down, read and let me know your thoughts. 

Most importantly, Kindly enjoy this one. 

Like, Share, Comment and please subscribe to us. Thank you.

 I always knew Adulthood was tough. 

In the midst of the chaos of Nigeria’s younglins, One major magnet - one major cause of the chaos was the need to act. 

The need to do better for yourself. 

I always knew this. 

I was aware but I was not prepared. 

Adulthood is tough. 

Listening to ‘Adulthood na scam’ a billion times would definitely not prepare you for the wave which is adulting. 

I retract my words. 

The tide. 

The tide that washes over you and leaves you weary day in, day out. 

The same way washed up soil comes with dirt from the ocean, it covers you with it’s own debris too. 

Leaving you to deal with exhaustion, general tiredness and lack of motivation. 

But, you must get back up. 

Day by day, you must get back up. 

I believe that’s one of the toughest parts of adulting. 

The fact that you have to keep going. 

What if I don’t want to? 

What if I’d rather watch my life pass me by while I sit and stare into the silence?

 Slowly digging an abyss for myself, devoid of interaction and frankly, not interested? 

Too many What-ifs. 

The only fact being that You must get back up. 

Time is definitely not on anyone’s side but for your mental heath? 

Take decades if you want.

 Just remember to get back up. 

-A. ❤️


Dannyxy said…
Anonymous said…
Nene, Breathe!!! You are the strongest lady I know. I am sure you'd figure this life thing out
Anonymous said…
Life is tough generally.
But everyday ,one day at a time👍🏾.
Beautiful piece as always , make this a weekly thingy.
You are still my favourite writer
Priscilla said…
My guyyy. Every piece you write is always worth looking forward to 🥺. Inconsistent or not, we'll take them like that! You'll always be my Aisha TMME😌❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said…
Amazing how you put your thoughts on paper all the time, nice piece our writer.
Aishā said…
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Aishā said…
Aisha.. This piece reflects my thoughts, my life . Adulthood is tough especially when you're on the verge of clocking 20.
It's like you're constantly chasing success, so that you too can "arrive"

Sometimes,we just have to pause, take a breather. This hustle culture really just beats us up.

How about we take life one step at a time, one day at a time? And watch it compound into beautiful growth.

Won kin mu latecomer
Breathe Aisha, Breathe.🧡
Anonymous said…
This post reminded me of last year. I was just putting my self under unnecessary pressure and it felt like everyone around me got their life figured out mind you I was just about to clock 20. It wasn't until I spoke to someone that I realized that they don't even know WTF they are doing with their life.
One thing it made me realize was that everyone grow at different time and I promise myself,I will take life as it comes.
Princess said…
This is deep

Like it's for me

The pressure to put your life on track at an early age

At the end of the day, you just have to take it one step at a time.
I love you Aisha, my favourite writer

Sometimes,I wish I can put my thought on paper like this , I'm learning from you though ❣️
What if I don't want to get up

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