2 ! 🥹❤️

It’s been 2 years and I’m not going to bore you guys with all the things I’ve been up to, how it was crazy racking my mind up to bring forth ideas to produce beautiful pieces. I’m not going to give detailed stories about how this blog is my literal rock. I shall not dwell on how, when life feels choking, I come back to this blog, the work of my hands. 


I probably sound like a broken record at this point so I thought to myself. What else can I do? What can I do, to celebrate such a crazy achievement? What exactly can I begin with? 

A lot of deliberation and a lot of questions I asked and I decided to do a ‘giveaway’. Well, that didn’t work out because I had a lot on my hands to reply all the messages. One person stood out though, his determination to show the world how beautiful his writing is, soaring through. 


His piece is about life and the entire reality of it. It’s shown below:


From the moment we are born, we begin to die

Sure its a slow process but we’re dying nonetheless 

You could argue that it makes life worth more living but i ask whats the point of even living if we’re just born to die

We dont have a say in how we come and how we go

The realization of the little control in your own life makes you wonder if you had any control in the first place 

Or you’re just acting based on a pre-determined path set by some unknown force that you couldn’t comprehend 

Then you begin to wonder what exactly do you have control over?

Well I believe you have control over the love you give and who you love

The intensity and purity is only based on how much you’re willing to give

You could love someone with all your heart and make their happiness your happiness 

Or you could give as little love as possible and hope it germinates into a giant tree

Because love is but a seed and the person who you choose to love is the soil

The two have to be compatible for anything to grow

Im a strong believer of love cos its one thing that can stand the test of time

Sure the spark might not be as hot as it once was but it never dies

But i believe the world wasn’t made for people like me

Who have nothing but love to give

For we are eaten alive by the cruelty of human nature but still love with every fibre of our being

It might be dumb or brave, that all depends on your perspective 

Love is essential in life, you cant say its not

For its the love of a mother that makes her bring up her child to the best of his/her potential 

But our kind is being killed slowly and everyone has moved to focus of money

Well cos we are an endangered species, it gets pretty lonely.


A beautiful piece, in my opinion. I’m very sure he’d love to hear your comments on it! And yes, he’d be in the comments section! 


Is this all? No. As hard as it is not to speak about the origin of thee blog, there are some comments that have really brought a smile to my face, making me happy and reminding me to stay grounded. I’d just like to highlight them to show you guys that I do not take this, this love. I  do not take it for granted. 


Unknown commented:

 ‘Damn!! This was such an amazing read!!! Had me laughing so much at how relatable it was. So much emotions in too. Ma’am you should start working on your book anytime from nowwww.’

This was commented on ‘Is this how it is being a man?’ and I just cannot explain how this comment really touched me. This particular piece gave me the worst mixed emotions. I didn’t want to post it but at the same time, I really didn’t mind. One day, I said to myself ‘Why the hell not?’ and clicked on that button. After seeing this comment, for the first time I actually considered, maybe writing could turn out to be something so much bigger than I think. 

Maybe it could be my future. 



Aisha commented : 

‘Aisha.. This piece reflects my thoughts, my life. Adulthood is tough especially when you’re on the verge of clocking 20. 

It’s like you’re constantly chasing success, so that you too can ‘arrive’. 

Sometimes, we just need to pause, take a breather. This hustle culture really just beats us up.

How about we take life one step at a time, one day at a time? And watch it compound into beautiful growth. 

Won ki mu latecomer

Breathe Aisha, Breathe.’

You guys, I actually cried when I read this comment. I actually shed tears and I think this might be my favorite comment ever. 

Well, Hi Aisha, 

I’m 20 now and I can’t wait for that beautiful growth. I’m taking it one step at a time though, because guess what? 

Won ki actually my late comer ! ❤️

Unknown commented:

‘Your mind can actually see through anything you want to talk about, be it an experience you’ve not even had before in your life. I’m convinced you’re a natural born writer from Heaven. Keep the fire burning, can’t wait for the continuity of this piece as i believe there’s still a lot of stones left to be unturned, love the suspense, maybe when i’m in my late twenties, i’ll use your piece as a manual as i do not want to make too much mistakes in my late twenties so i’m going to be seeing your next pieces as a manual to live my life as i won’t want to make many mistakes in life like i’ve done and that has been highlighted here already. Thank you very much for this Aisha as I was really reminiscing about my love life again.

I was short of words when I read this piece. I’ve said it before & I’d say it again ! The biggest pandemic every creative faces is self doubt and this pandemic has dealt with me in the worst of ways. So opening my blog and seeing someone I know not say to me, that they’re convinced I’m a natural born writer from Heaven? I was ready to go on my knees and get married at that instant. 

Danbabs commented on Secrets: 

Aisha go and audition for a part in YOU season 5 …because e be like you don dey mental.’ 

Lmaooooo, I laughed so hard ! I’m not what i write, they’re figments of my amazing imagination but yes, maybe i dey mental sha ! 

Hi my dear reader, 

 I don’t know if you remember when I said: 

‘I’d just like to let you know, my dear readers that whenever life holds me in a chokehold, I retire to the work of my hands, This blog. I sit myself down in the dark and read every piece written. I read the comments, I laugh at some, smile at some, disagree with the others. But whenever i ever felt alone, 

i’ve been here.’ 

I was honest. I’ve been here, my dear reader. I’ve been here and I’m genuinely grateful! So yes, Cheers to 2! 🥹❤️. I’m working on a lot and I can’t wait to unveil, piece by piece, what i have in store. Stick with me my loves, it’s going to be a longggg ride ! ❤️

Btw, kindly follow our tiktok page ! 


Thank you, my lovely readers. 

Thank you so much. 

I love you guys & Im sure you’re already aware ! 😊❤️


Anonymous said…
Awwww we love you too. Happy birthday to TMME
A said…
Welldone & congratulations! You’ve had an amazing run and I’m here to witness you break another amazing track record.
Lorenzotv said…
Congratulations Aisha and cheers to 2years of TMME existence, I'm glad to have been a part of all this 🥰
Alan said…
TMME has been a revelation down the years and I know for a fact that every "new piece" will be your best yet.
Cheers to the growth of this greatness 🥂

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